Thursday, April 21, 2011

16. Milton (VT) picks large recycled-plastic playscape

During a recent brief trip to Vermont, I was glad to read that the town of Milton is purchasing playground equipment made from 95%-recycled plastic.  The Milton Independent reports that the equipment, made by Earthscapes Play Structures (KY), will cost approximately $61,000 installed.  Additional funds are available for other amenities. The company states on its website, "Our recycled structural plastic lumber is made from reclaimed post-consumer plastic products like milk jugs and other beverage containers, plastic cartons and bags and many other everyday items you probably have right in your own home." 
Purchasing products made from post-consumer recycled materials, whenever possible, is the way to go. 


Lamdin, Courtney. The Milton Independent Online. 31 Mar. 2011. Web. <>
Earthscape Play Structures Website:

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